Tunstall remains committed to designing and producing products that are secure, behave as expected and do not permit the bypassing of security controls or the exposure of sensitive information.
Nevertheless, it is recognised that it is possible that unknown vulnerabilities may be uncovered during the life-cycle of a supported device.
This policy sets out Tunstall’s intention to actively seek information regarding any identified vulnerability to ensure it is removed or mitigated before it is actively exploited.
‘Tunstall®’, ‘Lifeline®’, ‘Communicall®’, ‘MyClinic®’, ‘MyMedic®, ‘Amie®’, ‘ICP Triagemanager®’, ‘LifeCare®’, ‘MyFreedom®’, ‘MyWorld®’, ‘Indeme®’ are trade marks of Tunstall Group Limited and registered as such in the UK and other countries.
TTNEW®, TT92®, TT21® and IPACS® are registered trade marks of Tunstall Group Limited and registered as such in the UK. This proprietary technology has been designed and developed by Tunstall and may be used only with our permission. For licensing enquiries please contact support@tunstall.com.
Tunstall will investigate and where practical address any issues reported to the company.
Individuals or organisations that are experiencing a product security issue are strongly encouraged to contact Tunstall.
Tunstall welcomes reports from all interested parties including independent researchers, partner organisations, customers, and anyone concerned with security.
The minimal data needed for reporting a security issue is a description of the potential vulnerability and contact details so that a dialogue can be established.
Please contact Tunstall (UK) Ltd using one of the following methods.
email: enquiries@tunstall.com
tel: 01977 660204
With the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 every commercial organisation must prepare a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement for each fiscal year. The legislation stipulates that an organisation's statement must include the steps it is taking in the fiscal year, to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of its business or supply chain.
Tunstall recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking. This statement sets out Tunstall Group’s intentions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chains. This statement relates to actions and activities during the fiscal year 1st October 2018 to 30th September 2019. Tunstall is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities and to ensuring that its supply chain are free from slavery and human trafficking.
This statement will cover the activities of the Tunstall Group business.
Tunstall provides technology enabled health and care solutions. The organisation supports independent living by providing solutions that support carers and users to enable people to live fulfilling lives at home and on the go. It also provides assisted living in the form of tailored solutions for housing and residential care providers. Another service is remote patient monitoring support for residents in a community setting which helps healthcare organisations manage chronic conditions. Tunstall also design and manufacture integrated NurseCall systems and communication solutions to assist clinical teams in providing high quality and efficient care in hospitals.
Tunstall currently operates in several countries. The Company is continuing a process to assess whether some activities or countries are at increased risk in relation to slavery and human trafficking.
The Company has updated existing policies that describe its approach to the identification of modern slavery sand human trafficking risks in its operations.
The Tunstall Modern Slavery Act Focus Group has prepared a Reasonable Purchasing Policy that includes the Company’s expectations on suppliers regarding anti-slavery and other social, environmental and ethical considerations. This policy is being circulated to all current and future suppliers and they are asked to confirm, in writing, their compliance with the policy.
Tunstall will review its internal key performance indicators (KPI’s) in so far as these relate to the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
An on-line training scheme relating to Modern Slavery will be rolled out to all relevant staff. This explains to staff the basic principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015; how employers can identify and prevent slavery; what employees can do to flag potential slavery issues to relevant parties and what external help is available.
This statement has been approved by the Tunstall Board of Directors.